The Vision Road: Destinations

There are many ways to picture vision as a road. A series of posts exhibiting this picture will follow. The first, as it should be with any vision, is related to the destination.

Notice the plural nature of the title destinations. Oftentimes we focus on the grand vision for the organization, which is of the utmost importance. However, we cannot ignore the fact that many times we need medium sized vision too. As the business is made up of departments and individuals, it is key to have a vision of how they fit into the larger picture. It is also critical to envision how they get from current performance levels to a new, enhanced version of themselves.

A great example of this is compare the contrast of two vacation plans. Both are family destinations, where the overarching vision is to enjoy life together as a family. My family plans to spend a quiet weekend at the lake. We are looking forward to a laid back pace with lots of quality time together. It should be a simple weekend. Our plans consist of sleeping in, watching movies, visiting a pumpkin patch and the usual favorite, throwing rocks into the water. This would be a medium sized vision. It took a few weeks to plan, look forward to and ultimately carry out. On the opposite scale a friend and colleague is headed to Disney World with his family this weekend. He promised his family years ago that they would make this journey, so they have been planning, saving and working towards this ultimate goal for a long time. This is an example of a vision on a grand scale. Big and exciting destination! One that shaped many decisions along the way, working for multiple years to achieve. Both contribute to the overarching vision. Both are necessary with important outcomes.

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