Best Team-Building Exercise
Exercise is the best team building exercise. The best we’ve done anyway. For the past several years, we have been employing a personal trainer at HSI Sensing. She comes in 3 days each week, right at the end of the shift. We take down tables and chairs in order to get out our exercise balls, dumbbells, and mats. This benefit is free to any employee that wants to participate and we now have a steady group as well as a stream of new employees that join the group as they join the company.
It truly has been a tremendous team building exercise! It is a great equalizer. I work out with the group as does my dad and sometimes, my cousin Travis. Our trainer treats the leadership team, founding family members and employees all the same. It is just as hard for each person involved.
It also creates a casual environment where I get to show my true personality and employees get to know my sense of humor. During those times I am just Ryan. I no longer have to be Ryan Posey, President HSI Sensing, but just get to be plain ol’ me.
Not only has this been incredibly beneficial for our team from an overall physical health perspective, but from an organizational health perspective as well. While we have participated in the past in the more traditional team building exercises, this has achieved more camaraderie and relationship development than anything else we have tried. This will be a benefit (both employee and company) that we will utilize for a long time to come.
(Please note this picture was taken post workout, so if we look a little worn out, it’s because we worked hard)