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“Enjoy the process” has become a personal affirmation lately.  A personal affirmation is something you tell yourself over and over with the hopes it affects your thinking about pretty much everything.  Since it is positive in nature aka affirmative, it is an affirmation.  It becomes the reminder that challenges will come, so I might as well enjoy the process of getting there.  Besides, the process of getting anywhere in business usually takes longer than the time you spend in the achievement zone.  Especially due to my nature of being a continual improver, there is little time spent anywhere in particular.

A companion mantra I have begun using is the word, “Good.”  I borrowed this from Tools for Titans by Tim Ferriss which he included as an excerpt from Jocko Willink.  Jocko Willink is a retired Navy Seal Commander and is mentioned multiple times in the book.  I highly recommend checking out Jocko’s Twitter feed (@JockoWillink) for inspiration and intensity.

The concept is that no matter what happens, you immediately respond with, “Good.”  There are no bad occurrences, just opportunities.  By saying, “Good,” and then filling in a reason why or next action, it forces me to think about these things that could be perceived as setbacks truly as chances to get better.  I tend to be driven towards achievement, which becomes paired with frustration when we are unable to move forward.  I am finding it difficult to remain frustrated and say “Good” at the same time.

This may sound a little cheesy, but I have also been forcing myself to smile as I think “Good” and craft the next step.  Remember, my affirmation is to Enjoy the process.  Simply seeing the next step feels like surviving the process or enduring the process.  Smiling feels more like enjoying.

It is an honor and privilege to lead HSI Sensing and Genisco Filter.  It is an honor and privilege to serve multiple philanthropic organizations.  It is an honor and privilege to parent my children and be married to my wife.  In doing all these things, I encounter challenges and setbacks every single day.  I could find at least one reason to be frustrated on a daily basis.  Instead, I am choosing to enjoy life and the process.

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