Give Away My Strength

Ever have anyone tell you they are impressed with you? Ever wonder what it is the see? I sure have. It is funny how those things may seem so obvious to those around us, but we cannot see them. I think about this often. What is it about me that other people find attractive and engaging? (I don’t mean that in the romantic sense. I mean it in the general sense as a person) My goal in this thinking is to determine just what that is, then give it away constantly. If I know what it is other people value and gain benefit from by having a relationship with me whether that be in friendship or business dealings, then share those gifts, it would be incredibly fulfilling and for a multitude of reasons:

  • It is an extension of who I am, so its natural
  • What a joy to bless others with my giftings
  • I would be living out my purpose
  • I would be making a significant difference in the world
  • It creates a culture around me of giving and sharing
  • It sets the stage for those moments when I need to draw from others


Proverbs 3:27 says “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.” The extent to which you believe in the Bible as a book to guide you life is irrelevant to your ability to hear wisdom in that statement. Hopefully that is the type of life you want to lead and the type of legacy you want to leave. Even if it doesn’t reach that level of life purpose significance, you can at least latch onto that statement when participating in the trending rise in the giving economy.

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