HSI: 45 Years and Counting…

It was with great pride that HSI Sensing celebrated its 45th year in business this week. One of the highlights for me personally, was a story my uncle, Bud Andrus, former president of HSI told about the humble beginnings. He said that early on there was only one desk. My grandmother used the desk first thing in the morning to go through the mail. Later in the morning, my grandfather would use the desk to place orders for materials needed to produce parts. Then, in the afternoons, he would use that same desk to make sales calls. I absolutely love this story because it shows how dedicated they were to achieve success, even while they had so little. A true representation of the entrepreneurial spirit.
Since I came into the business at a much different time, when it was well established, it is hard to imagine. However, it is my hope that someday future employees will hear stories of our activities now and marvel at how humble these days seem since we will have grown so much. Here’s to a bright future and many more years of success!

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