HSI Legacy – Last Words
It is always sad when a former employee passes away. Out of one such passing came a story that absolutely blew me away.
The son of a former employee relayed this story to us.
On her deathbed, as she was making the transition from this life, she mentioned several things. She talked about Jesus, seeing him, how she looked forward to seeing his face and her promise of heaven. She discussed seeing her deceased mother and being reunited. The third thing she mentioned was Hermetic Switch. Specifically stating how it was such a great place and the best job she ever had.
Just to get a mention in at a moment like that is remarkable! Humbling for sure and a great testament to the leadership of my grandparents, father and uncles. I overlapped with a small portion of her career, but the bulk was spent under their leadership.
It also serves as a reminder that what we do here goes beyond just providing a place of employment. The legacy that has already been established here is pretty special. It is worthy of protection and a high level to maintain.