What I’ve Read So Far This Year
While my typical goal for reading is 12 books per year, I am well ahead of pace. Here is a list of what I’ve read so far:
- Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari
- ABC Murders by Agatha Christie
- If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino
- The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
- The Zone of Interest by Martin Amis
The best thing I’ve read so far is If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler. It is a crazy story that beautifully illustrates how reading is a journey. This book follows one reader as he picks up a book in a bookstore and realizes the cover of the book he bought was mismatched with the contents. Once he starts reading the book, he is hooked. However, he must find the real book. A tumultuous journey through partial stories ensues, all of which grab his attention as a reader. The journey is his and unique to him based on what he reads and when he reads it.
This is a concept I have contemplated many times. Every book we read enhances our education. However, the list of books I have read is unique to me. Even if replicated by someone else the order may be different. Then the context with which I read will be different than another reader because I bring a unique perspective to the book. I have certain experiences that another may not. They will undoubtedly have experiences I do not. Based upon the order in which I read a given book or what may be going on in my life at that time, different points may resonate stronger with me than others.
As we grow up, our educational content is largely chosen for us by our teachers, administrators, curriculum creators and standards makers. As adults, the responsibility becomes our own. Based on our life trajectories, we can choose our own educational content.
Want to be increasingly unique? Keep reading. I guarantee your education will deviate further from those like it.