Leadercast Takeaway #1 Game Changer

I had the privilege of attending Leadercast 2015 with my leadership team.  I have asked them to share their takeaways, so I must do the same.

Andy Stanley, always a favorite, shared a critical strategy question: What do I believe to be impossible but if it could happen would fundamentally change my business?

Andy Stanley also shared the story of Nehemiah, who leaves his job to return to Jerusalem and oversee the rebuilding of the city wall.  Nehemiah faces strong opposition.  The particular message Stanley shared was that towards the end of the rebuilding, Nehemiah’s adversaries try to distract him, but he responds “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.”

I do not yet know how I will determine the fundamental game changer, but find it I will.  This will take some critical thinking time, some research and deliberation.  This is a question I will pose to the management team, the engineering team, the board and anyone else I can get to ponder it.  This is something we must determine as a business and it does not necessarily come from me.  Once we figure it out, it will be my job to maintain organizational focus on that objective.  I believe our business has improved in our ability to focus, but still has room for improvement.  However, the more exciting and engaging the mission, the easier it is to stay on task.

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