Most Shocking Graph of the Week
This graph blew me away when I saw it. This came from an assessment performed for one of my staff members. It shows on the left, her personality as she perceives it should be in her role and on the right, her natural personality. The reason it blew me away was that we have been working hard with her to improve performance only to realize that her natural personality is perfect for the position, but for some reason, she thought she needed to alter her natural way of being, to meet the expectations of the role. Basically, if she would just confidently be herself, performance would improve instantly. I do not know exactly why she thought she needed to alter her natural personality and when I asked, she could not immediately tell me. We will be working hard to figure this out.
Now I am concerned there are others that may be suffering or underperforming in the same way. If it exists in our organization, it is probably in yours too.