My Brain on Nov. 5th – Focus

As I was watching an episode of the #askgaryvee show, he simply answered the question of “Sup?” with what has been occupying his mind. This was brilliant and reminded me that oftentimes there is great value in telling those around you what you’re thinking.

I’ve been focused on focus. As we move forward I have been thinking about how to really move the needle and capitalize on the momentum that has been generated. My answer has been to focus on the most meaningful things. My approach has been through key metrics. If we focus on the major indicators of value, set goals and choose 3-5 key metrics that judge progress towards the goals, we may be able to really focus. Selecting the few major projects along with the easy wins that impact the key metrics should foster that pinpoint focus.

Closely related has been raising expectations. If we set metrics, I want us to reach for greatness. I want to be involved with a business, coworkers, friends, and projects that are really interested in doing something great. Anything less feels like going through the motions. I’m also hoping that if the goals stretch us, it will require focus.

I’ve been asked to speak on November 6th at the OKCRC Conference. In case your wondering CRC stands for Career Readiness Certificate. My topic is the Work Keys program and how we have utilized it within our business. That has prompted thinking about the tools we use to get the right people inside the organization. It has also reminded me of the fact that any organization is ultimately made up of people and the quality of the organization is determined by the quality of the people within the organization and their passion for it.
Info on the conference:

To explain the title of the post, my team often says “I need your brain for a minute” before asking a question. They also say things like “I wish I knew what you was in your head.” Thus the title of My Brain. Besides, what is a blog anyway, just people’s thoughts.

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