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My Expectation for 2017

These are the three expectations I have for myself in 2017:

Build a Well-Oiled Machine(s)
My primary objective is to grow our two business units into well-oiled machines. Develop and grow the staff to the point where the various parts of the organization work well together. The organization has been too dependent on me to set detailed priorities and resolve disagreements between internal functions. The organization has been too dependent on me to push for speed. We must be driven by achieving results, not simply making progress to the next step. I sincerely want both divisions to become very effective at executing all aspects of the business model. I am resolved to train or teach my teams in a way that allow them to operate the business units with minimal input from me. A well-oiled machine is not maintenance free but does operate extremely well on its own the vast majority of the time.

Create and Follow a Strong Routine
My personal development discipline in 2016 was better than it has been in many years. However, I want to be more consistent. As a parent of young children and as a man that values my marriage, the only way I can gain consistency is to get up early in the morning allowing me to have quiet, uninterrupted time. Otherwise, I am taking time away from my family for myself. My preference would be to give them more time and attention, not less.

Become a Relationship Builder
My personality does not naturally lend itself to relationship building. I have grown better at developing new and maintaining relationships, but sincerely want to be better at building relationships. Even though this is not my first, natural inclination, it is what I must become. It is what our business needs. It is one way I believe I can make a greater impact on the world.

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