I spend so much time on the vision for the company.  Determining what I think it should be, refining it, communicating it both internally and externally, then working on strategies to make that a reality.  The time I spend on crafting a vision for my own personal development is less, but still exists.  I actually spend time crafting vision statements for my team members as well.  Sometimes I share them, sometimes I do not, but they too exist.  I thought about writing a post about that process, but it felt too much like advice.  I may still write it.  It just wasn’t as authentic and honest as sharing my own vision for myself.

As it is ever evolving know that this is my vision for the moment (subject to change):

In one sentence: To be an incredible, whole executive.

Now in more than one sentence: I want to be an incredible executive.  One that drives the business to success in every aspect.  That revenue grows, that profits grow as well as overall financial strength.  I want the business to be getting ever stronger under my leadership.  This means that I am a leader that others want to follow.  A leader that gets results that many believed impossible and doing so without driving my team members into the ground.  I will be an executive that challenges and grows those around me as well as rewards those that achieve strong results.  I sincerely want to be a leader that makes the business better, including the people in it, not at the expense of the people in it.

At the same time I want to be a whole person.  I do not want my life to be solely about business.  I am willing to work very hard and commit to do what it takes to achieve the desired business results.  However, I want to be a great husband and father too!  I want to be a person of faith.  I want to be a real person to my friends and those I interact with.   I believe that in the end, being a whole person makes me a better executive and vice versa.

This is my season of juggling many important life duties.  At another time in my life the definition of whole may be narrower.  Maybe it will never contract again.  I’m not sure, but I know what it looks like now.  That is the vision before me that I try to make a reality.

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