Only One Passion in Life?
A popular theme in leadership seems to be finding your passion. Entrepreneurship discussions seem to center around finding your passion, then monetizing that. Surely if you have something you are passionate about, it can be built into a business. Once you jump into that business the entrepreneurship expectation seems to be that it is then to become all consuming. You aren’t doing it right if you are not spending every waking hour working towards making that business a success. Everyone else in your life is expected to understand. Deal with the fact that I’m an entrepreneur and this is what happens when you are creating something great.
Anyone else feel this way?
Are we really so simple to have only one passion? Because I am passionate about one thing does that mean I cannot be passionate about anything else? If I love my job, have a strong work ethic and am willing to make sacrifices for my business, does that imply that I cannot be passionate about my family? Do these things come at the expense of being passionate about my faith or a life of service?
I refuse to believe we are allowed to have only one passion in life. Many of the historical figures we admire were interested, good at and passionate about multiple subjects. I do believe there is a limit to our capacity, but it is not singular.
I am passionate about my business. I am also passionate about my family. I am passionate about my faith. This is what makes up my life. If I am able to do these three things well, I will have lived a full life. One worth living and shared with others. One that will likely have a lasting impact on the world around me.
To be 100% transparent, I feel that I am pretty good at 2 out of 3 right now. I haven’t figured it out yet, but I intend to. Most likely you will be able to read all about right here, in future posts.
Comments (1)
May 17, 2016 at 4:32 pm
Totally agree with you on this one. Also, time/capacity is such a precious commodity these days. Every decision I make seems to center around will this add value to my life, work, walk?
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