No Empty Seats
There was a fascinating article on Urban Meyer and his teaching philosophy in the Wall Street Journal over the weekend. Then after Ohio State obliterated Wisconsin to make the college…
Know Your Boss’s Gifts
I was challenged several months ago to describe to my team my gifts and strengths. The intent behind this exercise was to clearly state how they can best support me…
My Brain – What I Love About Giving Away Money
This week is our semi-annual bonus distribution and success sharing. These are some of my favorite days because it is a chance to pause and look back at our achievements.…
Those That Stay and Thrive
Many members of our management staff have continued in their service across generational leadership changes, sometimes spanning more than one. What I hear most often stated about those that stay…
My Brain – What Audacity
This week saw the establishment of the actual goals associated with our business driving metrics. What audacity! The objectives set relay a veritable optimism and bravado I have not seen…
My Brain on Nov. 5th – Focus
As I was watching an episode of the #askgaryvee show, he simply answered the question of “Sup?” with what has been occupying his mind. This was brilliant and reminded me…
Candidates: Please Listen, Then Give Real Answers
I had the opportunity recently to attend a leadership forum. The focus of the forum was to introduce the group to the candidates for public office. There was a huge…
What Does Success Look Like To You?
This was my favorite question of the week! What really made it my favorite question, was that I found myself asking it, not just answering it. As a leader, I…
Employee Financial Literacy Works
A critical aspect of employees thinking as owners is financial literacy. Since business generally involves making money, it is necessary to understand how that happens within an organization. Financial literacy…
What An Owner Wants to Know
As an owner I want to know 2 critical things: 1. How is the business doing? 2. What can I do to impact the business? Normally, owners sit at the…
Oklahoma Future
My thoughts on education, policies, and events in Oklahoma.
Business & Vision
Sharing my experiences and vision for the legacy that was given to me.
Personal Development
Challenging myself to never stop growing or learning something new.
Servant Leadership
Striving to be the type of leader that I would want to follow and building people to do the same.