Patience is Impossible

It is so hard to do the right things day in and day out, knowing that I am building for the future, and then wait for the results.  At this point, the pipeline looks tremendous.

Which pipeline, you might ask?

All of them. The talent pipeline looks really good!  Young professionals, young engineers, emerging leaders, established leaders growing, great candidates seeking a chance to work with us, intern candidates, past interns graduating in coming years, developing manufacturing employees, etc.  The sales pipeline looks stronger than ever with projects in the pipeline for customers to buy custom product and product already on offer.  The opportunities are bigger than ever and there are more of them than ever.  There is enough opportunity in the pipeline right now to grow revenue by 65%.  This does not include the new product we just soft launched at a trade show or the other product developments in the pipeline for coming years.  The R&D pipeline looks strong too.  The products we have launched in the last few years still have additional models in the works, then there are more ideas behind it for both HSI and our Genisco division.  These new products plus marketing activity means that leads are being generated at a greater number than ever before as well.

But, that is pipeline development.  It is not the current reality.  The harsh truth of this moment is that growth takes longer than expected.  Stuff just gets in the way, causing delays.  The development cycles for product and relationships both require more time than I anticipated.

This is where the patience comes in and it is nearly impossible for me.  I am learning, not by my choice, but learning all the same how to be patient.  I am learning how to come in and keep pushing forward, knowing that the investment in this massive potential we have built will pay off.  The timing of which we cannot control.

So now, I come to work every day, working on the execution of the potential.  We’ve been working hard to build this massive potential, now shift on making it reality one … patient … day … after … another until it does become reality.

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