SQ 792 – Updating Oklahoma’s Alcohol Laws
State question 792 would allow for the sale of cold, strong beer and wine in grocery and convenience stores. It would also allow liquor stores to sell other stuff, which they are not allowed to do now. State Question 792 also does a lot of other modernization behind the scenes. This would effectively eliminate low point beer in Oklahoma. It updates the distribution model allowable by law for beer and liquor. It increases the age of a grocery store clerk to sell beer from 16 to 18 and changes the registration and oversight responsibilities of these clerks from the Tax Commission to the ABLE Commission. If passed 792 would allow for the direct shipment of wine to your home, with a few limitations. There are also some provisions that would help Oklahoma breweries and wine producers distribute their product more widely.
The history of this issue is really fascinating. Low point beer legislation was passed in 1933 as an anti-prohibition measure. Prohibition ended in the United States that same year, 1933. Low point beer was legally defined as non-intoxicating. The sentiment was that low point beer either tastes so bad or is so weak that no one could possibly drink enough to become intoxicated? The next major reform of Oklahoma beer and liquor laws was passed in 1959. No significant changes have been made since.
Presently only 5 states still sell low point beer: OK, CO, KS, UT, MN. Oklahoma consumes 50% of all the low point beer produced in the United States, meaning we consume as much as the other four states combined.
Another aspect of 792 I find fascinating is that there is an alternative measure called 791. You won’t see 791 on the ballot because it failed to get the required number of signatures. However, if 792 were not to pass, I am almost positive 791 would accumulate the necessary signatures. These two measures are similar in many ways, with some differences. The website http://www.791vs792.com/ features a slide show comparing the two. It is difficult to tell from the site exactly where it came from and who is supporting it. In politics this can be important for sniffing out bias. If it was created by one side, the comparison may not be totally objective.
To research the Yes side of 792 see https://www.yeson792.com/issue/
To research the No side of 792 see http://www.792notforyou.com/
I believe it is time we modernize our beer and liquor laws. I will be voting YES on SQ792. Even if it passes it will not go into effect until 2018, so the time is now.
This long time is necessary to make all the follow on changes that will be required. This provision changes so much there is a lot to change. SB 383 will be the key bill for follow on changes.
In my opinion this is ultimately a quality of life issue. By restricting the choices and the quality of those choices for beer and wine we have negatively affected the quality of life for those electing to drink beer and wine. We want to make Oklahoma an attractive place to live. Right now, our antiquated beer and liquor laws provide an advantage to other states which can be easily remedied.