Anytime I drive somewhere I’ve never been there is some angst about not knowing exactly where I am going.  There is definitely a hint of hesitation at each turn.  Am I going the right way?  Since nothing looks familiar there is little to reassure me other than the technology guiding me, which is not always 100% reliable.

However, the reverse is also true.  When I am going back to a place I know, I can confidently proceed.  I know which turns to make.  The familiarity of the surroundings reassures me of good progress.

I feel the exact same way about priorities.  If I am unsure of my current priorities, there is angst.  There is hesitation in the pursuit.  But if the priorities are clear, I can pursue them with full confidence.  I can pursue them with abandon towards the goal.  I count that sense of assurance and peace as a luxury because it is difficult to attain.  Sometimes even after putting in much effort to discern clear priorities uncertainty remains.

Fortunately, this week we have the luxury of clear priorities.  A major deadline in our ERP project looms large, which brings clarity.  Our team from the HSI Development Lab in Wisconsin is in the plant completing projects, making those the focal point for many of our staff.  After a great month of sales progress, it is crystal clear where our focus needs to be regarding sales activity.  The same can be said for Genisco as we work towards UL certification and manufacturing improvements.

What a wonderful moment where the entire organization can align behind an easily identified list of priorities.  It is indeed a luxury!

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