Thoughts on Being Important
I’ll be real honest, it feels good to be regarded as important. I’ve worked really hard to be known and obtain a role of significance. Whatever circle of influence I may inhabit, my ambition causes me to pursue even greater influence. When things work out to grow that feeling of importance it is personally rewarding.
It’s that moment that you are at the head table facing the group. I had the privilege to sit at the head table with Governor Mary Fallin and State Chamber CEO Fred Morgan just last week. It also felt great that immediately after the meeting, lots of people wanted to talk to me about the concept, introduce themselves and contribute to the important dialog that is taking shape.
It was a similar experience when I took a leadership position in the company and addressed the employees as a group. Alike to being promoted to a leadership position in the fraternity.
Anyone speaking to a larger group is given an air of respect from the audience. I believe it is very normal and healthy to have that ambition, to a degree. One of my goals is to make a positive difference in the life of others and the larger the circle of influence, the larger that impact can be.
Right after I left the meeting with Governor Fallin I drove home and as I walked in was reminded of another circle of influence. The one made up of the people closest to me, my family. As good as it felt just a few hours before to have a moment of importance, I reflected upon the end of the journey. There will be a day when I no longer have a position. I will no longer have an official title or role that will cause people to seek me out. I will no longer have meetings where I sit at a table in a position of importance. At that life stage the measure of life will be how important I am to that small number of people closest to me.
It was a tremendous moment of balance to my ambitions that the people I care most to impress were not those at the meeting I just left, but that were eagerly waiting for me to get home.
I want to work very hard to keep it that way.