A Tremendous Compliment: It Looks Like Fun
Dear Bennett and Vivian,
You paid me a tremendous compliment today without even realizing it. We were driving, and out of nowhere, you both mentioned that you want to work at HSI someday. That is wonderful to hear, but that wasn’t really the best part. It was when I asked you why. Bennett spoke first and said, “Because it looks like so much fun!” Vivian replied, “Yeah, because you always look like you are having fun when you are at work.”
It is a lot of fun. I love the people I get to work with. I feel so fortunate that I get to do a job I truly enjoy. I like the responsibilities, the challenges, and unique opportunities. I get to do many things I never even realized would be possible for me. Plus, it is extra special to carry on the family legacy created by those that served before me.
I can also tell you it can be really hard. Every job has challenges. Every job has stress. When you take a position of leadership, every day will be a blend of good and bad. You will see amazing things that make you so happy. You will see things that disappoint and anger you. Part of growing up and taking responsibility is learning this fact about the dual nature of life. This past year has been the hardest and most stressful of my professional career.
Yet, it makes my heart so happy that I do not portray this to you. I try very hard to be 100% engaged at work, then 100% engaged at home. I try to protect you from seeing any stress I may carry by being totally interested in what you have to tell me or what we are doing together. Your comment that my job looks fun is your feedback that it is working. You see how much I enjoy my job, not the stress that comes with it.
Thank you so much for this compliment!
There are two lessons I hope you see here:
- How such a small comment could mean so much to someone without you even realizing it.
- That every job has stresses. You can choose to let those bother you and impact your whole life, or you can enjoy the challenges while remembering not to let these stresses define your mood away from work.