Weakness Makes Me Better

I’ve been struck square in the chest by a verse from 2 Corinthians. It is 2 Corinthians 11:30 and says “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.” I’ve been specifically thinking about how my life is enriched by the people around me that fill in my weak spots and reinforce my strengths, which is another way of bolstering a weakness. Reinforcement of a strength still exposes a weakness simply by needing reinforcement. Perfect strength would not be dependent upon any outside influence. This is very true when I think about my wife Ashley, and how she makes me better in so many ways. She fills in my weaknesses. This is very true with my team at work. They are better than I am in so many areas. In compliment they make me better. This is very true with many of my friendships. My friends are better than I am in many ways and by drawing on their strengths I become better and my life is enriched. By nature them being better than I am brings value to my life because it pushes me beyond my capabilities or knowledge. This thinking really takes the pressure off to stop competing at every turn, but to embrace their strengths and gifts as life enhancing. I don’t have to be awesome at everything. I can definitely get over myself.

On the flip side, if I expect others to enhance my life by their gift areas, then I must be ready and willing to give in my gift areas to enhance others. This sounds like the kind of life I want to live.

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