Work from Home In the Living Room?
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal highlighted the blending of our work and personal lives, featuring several innovative pieces for lounging and working simultaneously. Now, it is possible to be physically present, yet working, while your family is interacting around you. This is an awful idea. I want to be present in the moment, engaged with my family, not simply physically present. Essentially a framed picture would accomplish the same thing. My family could see my face, but not allowed to talk to me. Life is built on relationships and last time I checked, it requires real interaction, not spacial proximity.
Plus, it helps my kids understand my state of mind when I am physically in the home office versus being in the living room. How are they to delineate when it is acceptable to play and interrupt and when not. It is a message much easier to convey alongside the physical space, not in spite of it.