Posey Family Business Legacy

The Posey Family Business Legacy began almost 45 years ago. They took a big risk, worked tirelessly, even unselfishly in order to make their business succeed.  They then made the distinct decision to keep it in the family.  My grandparents recruited their son-in-law, then two sons to join the family business once they finished college.  Now my cousin and I carry on as third generation leadership.  

The legacy they started and is now mine to carry on is one of outstanding products and outstanding respect for employees.  My  grandfather was an incredible engineer with an inventor’s mentality.  He worked his whole life to develop and improve the products he manufactured.  This work was carried out in the office, at home and wherever he happened to be at the moment.  While I often hear stories of his intelligence, I hear even more frequently fond remembrances of how he valued people.  It was his habit to grab a cup of coffee first thing, then each and every morning walk through the plant and tell everyone good morning.  This was literally everyone, every day.  

The stories I hear of my grandmother in the office are very similar.  She was responsible for starting our tradition of passing out a basket of food every Christmas to each employee to make sure they have everything needed for a nice Christmas dinner.  It was her desire that each family associated with HSI have as special a holiday season as the one she orchestrated for her own children and grandchildren. Employees tell me often how uplifting it was just to see Mrs. P in the hallway because she could be counted on for a friendly smile and a kind word.

My hope is that as the business passes to future generations that I too will be remembered fondly in regards to how I valued the members of our work family. I am working hard to maintain a leadership style that shows a servant’s heart and a paradigm of people over results over activity.

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