You Have Permission to Be Confident

Over the past week or two, there seems to have been a theme of confidence to the several of my conversations.  Several have been around personal confidence and several have been around confidently stating competitive business positioning.  I feel I must now definitively state that it is OK to have confidence and act like it.  When you are really great at something, have unique skills, abilities, capabilities, etc, go ahead and own it.  Your face will surely show it.  So will your work.

Please note I did not say if you are perfect at something.  That won’t happen.  This is not permission to cut off all listening to feedback or thinking on how to get better.  So, from here on, if you are great at it and own the work, you have permission to stand behind it and defend it.  If it is something you cannot honestly defend and get passionately behind, it is obviously not your best effort or your gift area.  Make it better, then stand behind it.

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